Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Cure is in the Cause

The food does not directly cause Dis-ease, The food creates an enviroment in the body where Dis-ease can flourish and grow. There is only one disease and only one cure. The disease: too much acidity in the blood; the cure: alkalize. Think of your very body as an Ocean or a fish tank, when you become ill it is a clear indicator that your " Tank " is dirty and stagnant. This is also know as your pH system. To be healthy and Dis-ease free we must keep a balanced pH. Your body's pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and dis-ease. When I say the cure is in the cause this simply speaks for it self.

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