Thursday, October 27, 2011

                                            THE VENUS EFFECT – VENUS IN PISCES
Your vivid imagination enables you to see a thousand solutions to every potential problem. Your acute discrimination then enables you to extract, from these myriad alternatives, the most ideal conclusion. But only after you have allowed the whole range of options to pass before your eyes like changing images on a kaleidoscope of confusion. When the wheel stops turning, when the mists clear, when the moment of uncertainty has passed, all is sure. Others may not even ever realise quite how far into the depths of doubt you have descended. But those who are close to you need to understand that to some extent, your psyche is like a submarine. You will inevitably need to spend a fair amount of time each day, deep below the surface of your own subconscious, meditating on a private world of mysterious thoughts and images – before emerging full of inspiration and clarity, once more. Few if any will ever be able to follow you to those deep waters nor will they ever receive a satisfactory explanation of where you have been.

~ Transformation ~ via pain!

My biggest transformation was just about a year ago. It was when my whole personality purged itself of toxins in my psyche and psychology makeup, and memories from my childhood that just broke my heart, memories of all the mistakes and selfish actions I had commited. Out of the whole thing I came out brand new, strong, with a new way of thinking and seeing things and a new behavior and perspective. It was great. Yes my personality has changed multiple times throughout my life and it keeps changing till this day and it gets better and better.  The brand of loving ive witnessed will jolt a soul out of a spiritual coma one way or another, either through ragedy or ecstasy. Coming from ego, the un-evolved Scorp can get lost in emotional and body senstions, but this is not it's true destiny, but merely the door into the dark places of the soul that are ripe for change. Those timid folk who don't want to get their hair messied-up or their clothes wrinkled, who care nothing about committed love, love that will die for it's beloved to create a new and higher version of itself will certainly tend to get burned by the fire of a red hot scorp.
As a significant link between the physical limitations of man and the unlimited possibilities of the divine and through the power of transformation, through regeneration accessed at a deep emotional level through extreme focus of the will and attention, intention is made manifest, in visible, concrete form. Even without conscious intent The electro magnetic field of a positive Scorpio is a very intense, powerful energy. It's presence has a somewhat ruthless quality, out of necessity, as it cannot succumb to interference, obstruction or resistance.

False conceptions are cleared away , and this is likely to evoke fear in the one needing to let -go of the comfortable, but worn-out ways he is accustomed to doing things. Mind you , the scorp doesn't have to "do" anything but be himself and the union itself effects feelings that remind one of the changes in self that need to be made, challenging either or both partners to let go of beliefs, persrnality traits, fears and attitudes that perpetuate the negative, limiting and unhealed places in the heart mind, body and values. . You will not be at ease for long. Layers of illusion must be burnt away and many inner deaths will be endured to effect a more vibrant, wise person who has honed inner power. There may be powerful conscious or unconscious responses by the partner and himself. There is power in the scorp's presence, a stimulus for change. Jesus "the Christ" is an example of this transformtive presence.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Moringa Tree of Life!

Hello Everyone! Imagine if you will, a tree so full of nutrients, it can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and even enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. Imagine if there was a tree than can purify dirty water, can treat diabetes and control high blood pressure. Imagine if this same tree is drought-resistant and can grow under harsh conditions in countries suffering from poverty and hunger. I have just discovered a tree I can grow here in my own back yard in sunny Florida ..Imagine a tree in your backyard that will meet all your nutritional needs, take care of you medicinally, and purify your water for you. For centuries, the natives of northern India and many parts of Africa have known of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera. Its uses are as unique as the names it is known by, such as clarifier tree, horseradish tree and drumstick tree and in East Africa it is called "mother's best friend”. Virtually every part of the tree can be used. Native only to the foothills of the Himalayas, it is now widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia and the Philippines. This tree, though little known in the Western world, is nutritional dynamite. The immature pods are the most valued and widely used of all the tree parts. The pods are extremely nutritious, containing all the essential amino acids along with many vitamins and other nutrients. The immature pod can be eaten raw or prepared like green peas or green beans, while the mature pods are usually fried and possess a peanut-like flavor. The pods also yield 38 - 40% of non-drying, edible oil known as Ben Oil. This oil is clear, sweet and odorless, and never becomes rancid. Overall, its nutritional value most closely resembles olive oil. The thickened root is used as a substitute for horseradish although this is now discouraged as it contains alkaloids, especially moriginine, and a bacteriocide, spirochin, both of which can prove fatal following ingestion. The leaves are eaten as greens, in salads, in vegetable curries, as pickles and for seasoning. They can be pounded up and used for scrubbing utensils and for cleaning walls. Leaves and young branches are relished by livestock. The Bark can be used for tanning and also yields a coarse fiber. The flowers, which must be cooked, are eaten either mixed with other foods or fried in batter and have been shown to be rich in potassium and calcium. Or made into a flower tea..just put the fresh flowers in a teapot and add the hot water some honey and enjoy all the nutrional benifits. Analyses of the leaf composition have revealed them to have significant quantities of vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein. According to Optima of Africa, Ltd., a group that has been working with the tree in Tanzania, "25 grams daily of Moringa Leaf Powder will give a child" the following recommended daily allowances: Protein 42%, Calcium 125%, Magnesium 61%, Potassium 41%, Iron 71%, Vitamin A 272%, and Vitamin C 22%. These numbers are particularly astounding; considering this nutrition is available when other food sources may be scarce. Scientific research confirms that these humble leaves are a powerhouse of nutritional value. Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas. The Moringa tree has great use medicinally both as preventative and treatment. India's ancient tradition of ayurveda says the leaves of the Moringa tree prevent 300 diseases. One area in which there has been significant scientific research is the reported antibiotic activity of this tree. Another area of folklore which research supports is in cancer treatment. Moringa species have long been recognized by folk medicine practitioners as having value in the treatment of tumors. Studies examined certain compounds for their cancer preventive potential. Recently two of these compounds were shown to be potent inhibitors of activation of lymphoblastoid (Burkitt’s lymphoma) cells. One of these compounds also inhibited tumors in mice bred to be prone to tumors. In another study, Bharali and colleagues examined skin tumor prevention following ingestion of drumstick (Moringa seedpod) extracts. In this mouse model, which included appropriate positive and negative controls, a dramatic reduction in skin tumors was demonstrated. More rigorous study is required in order to achieve a level of proof required for full medical endorsement of Moringa as, in this case, a cancer preventative plant.  

 After the oil is extracted from the pods, the seed-cake remaining contains the active components for removing turbidity (solid particles) from water. Because bacteria adhere to the solids, this seed-cake also effectively removes bacteria. At the Thyolo Water Treatment Works in Malawi, Africa, two researchers from the University of Leicester, England, have worked on substituting moringa seeds for alum to remove solids in water for drinking. Not only were the tests successful in removing as much solid material as alum, but the seeds used were "purchased from enthusiastic villagers in Nsanje Region in Malawi" (Folkard and Sutherland, 1996. Not only is Moringa oleifera as effective as aluminum sulphate (alum) in removing suspended solids from turbid water, it has a major advantage. Because it can be produced locally, "using Moringa rather than alum would save foreign exchange and generate farm and employment income." The potential for Moringa to create a new market for a community is there, and studies and projects are taking place examining this potential. Use of this natural substance would also remove a source of aluminum contamination.

This tree is truly a “miracle” tree offering hope; nutritionally, medicinally and economically to devastatingly poor 3rd world countries. It has just recently begun being used as a supplement in a juice form and in powdered leaf tablets.

This is my Dear Friend, Victoria's website...she lives in Arizona and cultivates this perfect Tree